Wednesday, March 27, 2019



Lahi is a village just east of Neapolis which originated around 1600 CE.
From the Byzantines there was the Temple of Theotokos (Kalenia), where in After the failure of the Orlofians, several inhabitants of the village dispersed in other parts of the country and mainly in the Aegean islands.the past it functioned as a monastery.
In 1814, after the permission of the agape of Faraklou, the temple of the Presentation of the Virgin Mary was built.

With the establishment of the newer Greek state in 1836, Lahi was the seat of one of the two municipalities of Vatikas, the Municipality of Voi and which in 1840 merged with the Municipality of Maleos (Faraklos). The two municipalities merged in 1840.
There are a number of explanations for the origin of the village's name: 
*Lashis was a general of the Athenians in the 5th century BC.
*One of the generals of the King of God is reported as Leigh. 
*Georgios Lahis, resident of the region during the Ottoman domination.
 *Las the place name beach at sea.
*Lahia, meaning well-cultivated land and lachos which means stone digging.
*The main activity of the inhabitants in the past was the sea (shipping and fishing) and, in addition, the cultivation of the land.
Photo Exploring Greece